Kits Natura

'Natura Pia' ©

Chionodoxa is the first to flower, soon followed by two striking grape hyacinths. The real eyecatcher is Tulipa ’Peppermint Stick’ – beautiful cherry red flowers that open in good weather and form white stars in the grass. The finishing touch comes from Camassia quamash which covers the taller grass in a beautiful blue haze.

Blomningshöjd: 50 cmBlommande månader: 3 – 4Blommande månader: 3 – 4Bladtyp: VanligtAntal per m2: 150Planteringsdjup: 10 cmFrostbeständighet: -15 °CMarkfuktighet: Föredrar väl fuktig jordBeck: Full solFärg 2: VittFärg 2: Blå
