

A rapid-growing and ground-covering plant which forms strong rootstock. Plant the rootstocks immediately upon receipt in a shaded, moist location. The number of flowers will increase as the years progress. and once blossoming is complete, the plant will produce a rosette of leaves. The flowers are white with a bloom of lilac-pink. The rootstock contains poisonous and volatile anaesthetic. The substance does not pose a hazard when it occurs in public parks.

Blomningshöjd: 15 cmDiameter: 2 - 4 cm5 - 7 cmBlommande månader: 3Bladtyp: VanligtAntal per m2: 50Planteringsdjup: 5 cmFrostbeständighet: -15 °CMarkfuktighet: Föredrar väl fuktig jordBeck: Full solFärg 2: VittFärg 2: Blandat
